UnEarthing Posts


To my Point 'B'

I’ve spent moments pondering how our initial meeting would pan out. I’ve spent days questioning what the journey towards that point could entail. I’ve spent evenings wondering when I would stop wondering and when all would become clear.   At this moment you are beyond my natural lens, tho...

Point of reflection

I was drawn to a place of perceived comfort; there my consolation could not expand beyond the walls I’d lived within.
That was my home.
Retreating at any given point of unease was my norm and once that was established, I’d reinforce my walls by staying confined to my known comfort and reject the opportunity to disrupt the parameters...

The Irony of Trust

...This is the dichotomy of trust.
We’re so fearful to impart our trust that we even withhold it from God yet, we’re so frivolous with our trust that we’d rather trust people/things before God...

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