About Us

UnEarthing is more than a brand; it is a nurturing ground where individuals who want to commit to the process of getting to the root of their God-given potential have a space to do so. We foster personal growth and are ambassadors of hope. Our mission is to affirm, encourage, and inspire through our thoughtfully crafted slogan-based clothing and accessories, uplifting word posts and meaningful art.
As for the back story behind the name, 'UnEarthing' highlights the fact that there is so much more within us which we are yet to reveal, or even discover ourselves. It reflects recognition of the process and seeks to allow people to come to their own realistation that there is greater within them/us. It is fundamentally about embracing the process because half the time we only ever scratch the surface, mainly because we aren't aware of the potential God has instilled within us. So what is the 'process'? Honestly, it will look different to everyone and is by no means a direct and linear journey for all, it requires work and challenges will be presented throughout, but it will render character development and what you discover will be the 'fuel' to keep going for the rest of life's journey. Our prayer is that we all unearth, discover, believe and embrace the truth that there is so much more within us because Christ lives within (1 John 4:4). We also pray that as we embark on the journey, that God will reveal things to us which is far beyond that which our minds can conceive (Jeremiah 33:3).

Why slogan-based?

Our ethos and aim is to embrace the process of discovery and subsequently unearth the beauty of it. Though life can be unpredictable to say the least, we all need a reminder of hope and slogan designs are the perfect way to not only encourage yourself but also that passer-by who happens to glance at our clothing, which we know you’ve styled amazingly. We understand that words hold weight, so each word is carefully selected and incorporated into our designs. Words are boundless and revolutionary and with many phrases lifted directly from/ relating to posts from our founding written word site 'UnEarthing Posts', our clothing can advocate/speak on our behalf. Slogans are the messages which you carry and we seek to create messages for everyone to do so.


"The process of discovery begins and ends with God. Therefore, UnEarthing first and foremost belongs to God - That is my Devotion".
